Part 14: Desparation
Chapter 7.5: Desperation
The party automatically travels to Ferox, hoping for a plan to counterattack.
And Khan Flavia is assembling her best troops as we speak. We'll make it back home in time. I know we will!
Chrom? Say something! Say, "Yes, of course we will!"
...I'm sorry, Lissa. What?
Ugh, fine! Never mind!
Let me know when you get out of your own head for a second!
OW! ...What the hell was that for?!
Oh no! ...Did I do it wrong? Captain Phila said sometimes a good slap will break someone out of their doldrums.
Sumia, when you slap someone, you do it with an open palm. You just punched Chrom in the face!
Um...It's the thought that counts?
Gods, that seriously hurt...
Ha ha! What's wrong, my dear prince? Sometimes love hurts! You're lucky to have strong women like these, and not just dainty flowers about. In any case, I bring good news. The Feroxi army has finally mobilized. Every last man is itching to fight. I must say, I'm looking forward to savoring a skirmish or two myself.
...Wait. You're coming along?
Of course! A khan must have her fun. I'm even bringing my insignificant other.
Your who?
Basilio. The oaf isn't good for much, but he might stop a few stray arrows.
*cut to the Ferox throne room*
Is something wrong?
Our scouts have reported back. Dark news, I'm afraid. Ylisstol...has fallen.
The Plegians captured your exalt and retreated back across their lines.
Gangrel has declared she's to be publicly executed within the moon.
*Lissa collapses*
The dastard's not even trying to be subtle anymore.
I agree. It's an obvious trap.
The Mad King knew our scouts would relay this information back. It's clearly a provocation-a hot brand to the buttocks!
We should consider our options carefully before jumping to any-
Shepherds! We march to Plegia!
*Ahem* Well, that would be ONE option, yes... But perhaps we've seen enough royalty waltzing into traps for one war already, eh?
I don't care if it's a trap, Basilio. He's going to murder my sister!
No one's suggesting we don't act. We're simply saying we shoulda ct WISELY. We'll need guts AND wits in equal measure if we're to save your sister.
The khans are right.
I'll think of something, Chrom. I promise.
...All right, Robin. I leave it to you to formulate our strategy.
Are you certain you're up to the task, Robin? It won't be easy.
You hold the exalt's life in one hand, and all of ours in the other.
A responsibility I do not take lightly. But I am equal to the challenge.
Ha ha! You've got stones, at least. I like that!
No hesitation, no mincing words...She's either a genius or a fool!
I suppose we'll find out once we march. Hold on to your tassets, Ylisseans. We've an exalt to save!